Michaela Konrad



The current technological, ecological and social processes of change are making it increasingly difficult to answer this question. Because the faster technological disruption progresses, the harder it is for us to keep up with the resulting socio-economic upheavals.

This book invites us to pause and take time to look at the future from two different perspectives. In the series CAN THIS BE TOMORROW? Michaela Konrad interprets past visions of our present in the form of imaginary mid-century comic title pictures. PICTURES OF TOMORROW, the second part of the series, shows everyday scenes that could happen in the near future.

The texts bring the reader closer to the research on which the artistic works are based. And augmented reality gives the predictions of the future an additional dimension.


Graphic Novel

Original title: Tomorrow
Age 16+
72 pp | € 24
hc | 210 x 297 mm
Publication: Oct 2022

Author & Illustrator:
Michaela Konrad

All rights available


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By the same author and illustrator