We already know Lina and the sheep who help her to fall asleep every night. Especially sheep no. 5, which is
actually a wolf. A wolf, however, that nobody is scared of, because he’s as gentle as a lamb.
As Lina once again lies in bed and counts her sheep jumping over her bed, something drips onto her hand. It is sheep no. 5 – the wolf – he’s crying! He tells her of a nasty letter: a pack of wolves is threatening to attack. Because of something that happened way back during the time that sheep no. 5 was still a wolf.
The herd is shocked. Is there something shady about the wolf’s past? But Lina, as smart and hands-on as ever, convinces the sheep to trust the wolf and to defend him. They sew ragged wolf frocks and practice howling. This is how they will put the real wolves to flight!
An enthralling and yet funny picture book story that tackles fear without hesitation and simply laughs it away at the end. Tobias Krejtschi’s sheep, of which none is like the other, are once again a pleasure to look at, for adults as much as children!
by Tobias Krejtschi & Harriet Grundmann
Peter Hammer Verlag | hc | 32 pp | 300 x 217 mm| 2013 | 4+
All rights available
[original title: Die Sache mit Nummer 8]