Jutta Degenhardt & Lars Baus

The Magical Word Lottery

The biggest prize is words

Helene’s grandma collects magical words in a little box. Helene is delighted with this treasure and has an idea: what if they raffled off the most beautiful words in a lottery? Grandma and Helene build a street stall and the first visitors arrive. ‘Wave’ takes a bearded man out to sea, “Bell” leads a little girl into a room decorated for Christmas and “Glow” makes sparks fly for two lovers. In the end, Helene also gets to draw a word and embarks on a magical journey with her grandma.

Jutta Degenhardt tells an enchanting story, for which Lars Baus has created a dreamy world of images. Young and old alike will love to dive in and let their thoughts take flight. Is there a better gift than a vocabulary filled with magic?


Picture Book

Original title: Die zauberhafte Wortverlosung
Age 4+
32 pp | € 17
hc | 240 x 270 mm
Publication: July 2024

Author: Jutta Degenhardt
Illustrator: Lars Baus

All rights available


“An imaginative story about the power of language, embedded in colorful illustrations.” – German Academy for Children’s Literature

“A wonderful book about the power and magic of language and how it manages to send our thoughts on long journeys.” – Andrea Schnepf, Buchkultur

“Intensely coloured, nostalgic-looking illustrations
visualise the power of words, making it clear how many trains of thought and linguistic opportunities a single word offers. […] Highly recommended.” – Daniela Scheller, ekz

“A book about the love of the written word.” – Instagram @papa.hirsch.liest

“A wonderful book that not only shows that even supposed defeats can be turned into exciting new things, but also the power that even single words and imagination can have.” – Stiftung Lesen

“A really nice grandma-granddaughter story that stimulates the imagination.” – Marsha Kömpel, Mutter und Söhnchen

By the same author and illustrator