Whether you are three years of age or a big child: you will immediately take the little lion and the little clown to your heart! This lovely book includes eight little stories about the two children from the circus:

How the little lion once urgently had to have its hair cut, but couldn’t sit still because it simply tickled too much, how the two friends had the baby run away when they were meant to babysit, how they made friends with real robbers in the forest or how they travelled to Africa in a flying washing basket. And how they somehow always managed to be back in time for the evening performance—often with their new friends in tow.

The author creates a bright, free children’s world with her little heroes who approach the world with curiosity and full of confidence—whilst renouncing all pedagogical undertones. Admonishers, scare mongers and other spoilsports are nowhere to be seen. And when things get tough, the little lion and the little clown have a universal remedy: their wonderful friendship!

by Stefanie Schütz & Béatrice Rodriguez

“The eight stories, which can be read aloud again and again, are lovingly told and the two brave little heroes will immediately win the hearts of children and adults alike

Peter Hammer Verlag | hc | 64 pp | 160 x 240 mm | 2015 | 4+

All rights available

[original title: Der kleine Löwe und der kleine Clown]