Andrea Poßberg & Corinna Böckman
The Green Pirates - Whales in Distress
The Green Pirates – Who kidnapped the little porpoise?
There is great excitement among the Green Pirates: Ben, Flora, Pauline, Jannik and Lennart are allowed to accompany their chemist friend Miranda to a research ship in the Baltic Sea, where the behaviour of porpoises is being studied.
But then the animals get into danger: masterless fishing nets become a deadly trap! And suddenly one of the porpoises disappears from the radar – the Green Pirates get on the trail of a dangerous plot …
The Green Pirates – that’s what the friends Pauline, Ben, Flora, Lennart and Jannik call themselves. Wherever they intervene to protect the environment, they leave behind the green skull and crossbones as a sign. During their clandestine missions, they repeatedly get into dicey situations.
Südpol Verlag
Children’s Fiction
Original title: Die Grünen Piraten – Wale in Not
Age 8+
144 pp | € 14
hc | 148 x 210 mm
Publication: 2022
Author: Andrea Poßberg
Illustrator: Corinna Böckmann
All rights available
- Look inside
- Book trailer
- Large extra section: factual information, experiments and hands-on tips on the subject
- The children's book series for girls and boys from 8 years - exciting, funny and daring
- Each volume a self-contained adventure on a special environmental theme
- More than 55,000 copies sold across the series
- Awards

“A true environmental crime story to get engrossed in.” – liesLotte, January 2013
“Quick-witted, funny and audacious do Ben, Pauline, Flora, Jannik and Lennart hurl themselves into fast-paced adventures and thrilling manhunts. The second volume in the suspense-packed children’s crime series […] does not only set the hearts of animal lovers racing.” – Moritz—Magazine for People with Children
“[…] thrilling adventure with a learning effect.” – his & her books, November 2012
“[…] a series that combines suspense with the love of nature and animals.” – ekz
“Bang-up-to-date topic and fascinating detective adventure of a teen gang.” – Jungenlesenliste, Manndat [boys’ reading list]
“The language is very well-suited for the recommended age of 8+. A lot of direct speech and one or the other quick-witted comment turn the book into perfect entertainment with learning effect. The suspense is also adequate for the age group […].” – his & her books, March 2013
“The Green Pirates are […] curious about nature. The gang consists of two girls and three boys, ages 8+, who have different interests and talents but are linked by their distinct ecological awareness. The combination of children’s crime story and ecological finger-pointing seemed at first trying and unattractive – until I read a volume. Giant Trees Under Attack fully lives up to the gang genre. The children courageously prevent the precipitation of old lime trees, expose false reports and uncover the environmentally hostile machinations of unscrupulous business people – even if it is dangerous. Astonishingly, the fact that information about trees, protected woods and the fatal consequences of tree clearing is incorporated into the story doesn’t interfere [with the suspenseful story] and the kids are brave, quick-witted and often also funny. The combination of important message and reading fun is successful. A great read for girls and boys who might (soon) join the Fridays for Future movement!” – eselsohr, May 2019
“The series remains true to itself: the likeable protagonists are already known, the style of narration likewise. And this is meant in an absolutely positive way: the target audience is offered proven identification potential; between suspenseful-entertaining children’s detective novel on the one and an informative introduction into the topics of environment protection on the other hand. This appears to be all of a piece—the authors know their craft. The lively illustrations blend in with a pleasing manner. In short: a reading recommendation—justly recommended by the WWF YOUNG PANDA Children’s Programme!” – Alliteratus
By the same author and illustrator