I live in a house on the edge of a forest. Where does the forest begin? I do not really know. Where does our garden begin? Animals do not know it either. Ever since I can remember we have shared each other‘s space. And we were all fine with that.
But one day, Dad installed a fence. To protect us. It is what one should do, they said on TV. Because, our home is ours and we must be careful. If not, one day …
And then this ‚one day‘ arrived and one fine morning, the great stranger was there, despite the fence and the barbed wire…
by Maurèen Poignonec & Pog
Maison Eliza | hc | 32 pp | 190 x 240 mm | 5+
Rights sold: Spanish – all other rights available except for simplified Chinese
[original title: La grande inconnue]