Nadia Budde

The Band Nobody Knows

Wrong tones, great atmosphere!

Nadia Budde gets young and old on their feet

Who are they? Four figures with patent leather ankle boots, rings and chains, hard to understand – never seen here before.

Hair like grass, customised suit, fur on their faces – we don’t know them.

While the locals are still pondering, the strangers unpack their suitcases, put together some strange stuff and suddenly it’s clear: nobody here knows them, they’re a band!

Off-key tones, a tricky tempo, no one in time, lyrics that make no sense – everyone wants to go!

A clear message to every band that nobody knows (yet): just get going and have fun with the people you meet!

Peter Hammer Verlag

Picture Book

Original title: Die Band, die keiner kennt
Age 4+
32 pp | € 16
hc | 260 x 220 mm
Publication: July 2024

Author & Illustrator: Nadia Budde

All rights available


“Children and childish people our age will enjoy it.” – Fridtjof Küchemann / F.A.Z. Bücher – The Podcast

The Band Nobody Knows has the makings of a classic.” – Lena Bopp / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“Thanks to a great feel for language and a bold line, Nadia Budde once again impresses with bizarre characters, quirky humour and unexpected rhymes that fit perfectly.” – Jana Kühn / BÜCHER-Magazin

“Quirky, unconventional and funny to look at.” –  Main-Echo

By the same author and illustrator