Susanne Straßer Family Planner Everything in perfect order! Susanne Straßer’s board books have long been favorites in daycare centers and children’s bedrooms. From now on, her funny characters will also populate “Susanne Straßer’s family planner”. It provides an overview of everyday family life and is an eye-catcher on the kitchen wall that will really put…
Susanne Straßer Stop the Ball! Stop the ball! Duck plays ball. Oops – what’s the ball doing, where is it going? The duck chases after the ball and an animal is added on each double page until a whole menagerie is whizzing through the book. Hold the ball! It bounces – BAMM! – against the…
Susanne Straßer So Light So Heavy 12 o’clock – time for soup! Everyone can swing and slide, but seesawing is the ultimate discipline at the playground, because there are only two options: utter frustration or huge fun! Susanne Straßer puts an elephant onto the seesaw and it is immediately clear that an entire menagerie of…
Susanne Straßer Raccoon Does the Laundry There’s nothing Raccoon likes better than washing dirty things clean again. Scrub, scrub, wipe, wipe. The frog brings his green socks, the tiger his yellow skirt, the sheep his white jumper. Scrub, scrub, wipe, wipe. The line on which everything hangs to dry in the sun gets longer and…
Susanne Straßer The Whale Takes a Bath Today is bath day. The whale takes a bath. Lovely! But what the whale enjoys is also craved by the others—as is to be expected. Here they are already and keen to join the whale amidst the bubbles: The tortoise, because her back hurts, the beaver, because he…
Susanne Straßer Fox Goes For A Ride Fox drives a car. Tap tap, with his feet. Slow at first, then faster and faster. Over gravel – helter-skelter! Through puddles – splash! The fox whizzes through the pictures so fast that he doesn’t even notice others hopping on on every double page: mouse and mole, beetle…
Susanne Straßer Can I Sit in the Middle? “Come on, let‘s read a book!“ calls the child and right away everyone sits on the sofa: the zebra, the cat, the child, the hamster, the lion. They are ready to go. “Wait!“ whinnies the zebra, “the stork isn‘t here yet!“ Here he comes. So they can…
Susanne Straßer So Tired and Wide Awake Tired, yet wide awake; the eternal bedtime issue! And there are many characters in this perky board book who cannot with all the will in the world fall asleep. Hedgehog, Fox, Donkey, Pelican and Crocodile are so tired. Only Seal is wide awake. He skips out of bed—he…
Susanne Straßer Zebra, Bear, and Pelican A birthday calendar by Susanne Straßer When is grandpa‘s birthday? Susanne Straßer‘s everlasting calendar not only reliably reminds children (and parents!) of the birthdays of the most important people. Zebra, bear and pelican and all the other funny characters from much-loved picture books ensure a good mood in children‘s…
Susanne Straßer Soup’s Ready! 12 o’clock – time for soup! Everyone knows what goes in: the horse brings a red turnip. Lid open – lid closed. The goat brings tender twigs, the dog a crunchy bone, the squirrel fresh spruce cones. Lid open – lid closed. Finally ready: Bon appétit! But what if the soup…
Who’s switched the light off? And what’s an UFO doing there? For twelve everyday words – such as Car, Rain, Air or Friend – Susanne Straßer has created a vividly colorful scene each. Each spread is teeming with crazy fun motives and artistic ideas. This colourful, imaginary and funny picture book without words invites children…
Tim is not at a loss for excuses. In fact, he is in desperate need of excuses—every day of the week. On Monday, because he’s late for school. On Tuesday, because he forgets his socks. On Wednesday, because he brings home a dog instead of the shopping. That’s the way it works all through the…
Susanne Straßer was born in Erding in 1976 and, following her intital training in drawing studied communication design in Munich and London. Her works have been internationally awarded and exhibited, amongst others at the biennial festival for illustration in Bratislava. Her picture book The Fairy Tale of a Princess Who Wanted to be in a…