Deceptive wilderness—What lurks beneath the surface?

11-year-old Jorin dreams of an exciting life as an agent with undercover missions and surveillance assignments. But instead he is only bored in the allotment garden where he has gone into hiding with Agent Smuts. Things suddenly change when a mysterious video from the Arctic Circle emerges in which a bear is attacked by invisible beings protecting a boy—and this boy is none other than iKID Adam, a human-like robot created by billionaire Borax Dosch, a technophile with a penchant for world domination! Together with agents from the Anti-AI-Alliance, Jorin flies to the Arctic Circle to track down Dosch and render him harmless. But soon after their arrival in the wilderness, they themselves are chased by ghostly robots.

Atmospheric agent story with many technical details. Mysterious agents, an old whaling station in the Arctic Circle and a mysterious computer virus—an unusual agent story with a likeable anti-hero.

by Simak Büchel

Südpol Verlag | hc | 264 pp | 140 x 198 mm | 2021 | 10+

All rights available

[original title: Projekt Oblivion – Geister am Polarkreis]

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