Chris Monroe String Ball A crafty child, a string ball, a curious kitten, an unforgettable adventure When a curious kitten encounters its young owner’s string ball craft project, an amazing adventure ensues! The kitten squeezes inside the ball and begins to roll . . . right out the open front door. Yikes! Kitten and ball…
Joy Cowley & Miho Satake The Fierce Little Woman and the Wicked Pirate This enduring tale of independence and family is an unconventional love story with a strong female lead and a pirate with a sensitive side, written by New Zealand’s leading children’s writer and illustrated by one of Japan’s foremost children’s illustrators. The fierce…
Clara Thomasset Dream Days Self-empowerment between time and dreams The picture book Dream Days was created in collaboration with the young Belgian artist Clara Thomasset – an artistic and philosophical, yet wonderfully light and luminous story for children about time as an inner space and wealth and the great power of dreams. Little Milla glides…
Marta Azcona & Anna Font Misadventures of a Giant Pig at the National Library On a cold and stormy day, Doña Socorro, the librarian, is forced to leave the library because of a headache. She leaves the books in the care of a pig. But, suddenly, a troup of animals coming from a wine tasting…
Doris Lecher Hocus Pocus Octopus The octopus children Octa, Pi and Puss make a lot of noise when their parents go out and leave them in the care of Klaas, the turtle babysitter. But Klaas immediately has the right idea for a game: they are allowed to hide and Klaas has to find them again….
Jörg Bernardy & Katja Spitzer The World’s Longest Picnic Three snails – Otto, Anna and Izzy – are planning a picnic. At a snail’s pace, they pack a thousand delicacies into their baskets and set off. Six months have passed: the three are still on the road, their stomachs growling loudly. But they will only…
Joy Cowley & Gavin Bishop Twigs and Stones A funny, warm and wise picture book by world-renowned Joy Cowley and Gavin Bishop that captures the essence of friendship and nudges us to notice the power of the words we choose. Snake and Lizard live together in a hole under a rock. They are such good…
Deniz Jaspersen, Rasmus Engler & Mareike Engelke That’s How You Sleep, Little Wombat Wombats can do almost anything – they are masters at climbing, swimming, crawling, burrowing and building dens! And little wombats love to do all of these things at the same time. There’s just one thing they don’t like so much: sleeping ……
Michael Heinze & Katrin Stangl Muscle In! Wild Games for Children Children love to romp and tussle! A book full of opportunities to get to know and accept your own limits and those of others through games. Training dexterity, measuring strength or winning together – all this is best done through play. Games for outdoors…
Lena Hach & Julia Dürr Tomke Digs Digging – what else! Tomke is in the garden. Tomke is digging. The hole gets bigger and deeper. ‘It’s already a real pit!’ exclaims Mum. ‘You must be looking for pirate treasure!’ Tomke doesn’t answer. If you dig, you can’t answer. In her first picture book, bestselling author…
Julian Tapprich Tiger Dreams Leo was really no ordinary bird. He found the chirping and trilling and singing of the other birds boring enough to fly away. These same old songs! He preferred to indulge in his daydreams, which unfortunately he couldn’t tell anyone about, especially not the other birds. Because Leo dreamed of a…
Jürg Schubiger & Rotraut Susanne Berner When Death Came Calling Jürg Schubiger and Rotraut Susanne Berner tell us the story about a village somewhere back in time when Death was still completely unknown. Nobody had ever encountered him and everything that existed remained safe and sound. But then one day Death walks into the village…
Wiltrud Wagner Spectacles for Fatouma Fatouma can draw well, but she doesn’t learn how to read and write properly because she doesn’t recognize the letters on the blackboard. Everything that is further away is blurred. Until one day opticians come to her school. They can give all schoolchildren with poor eyesight the right glasses on…
Katinka Manzau-Feddern Moyo and the Glow The little shell Moyo admires the colorful shimmering fish of the sea, the graceful seahorses, the huge whales and the mighty sea turtles. Everyone else is so beautiful and impressive, only Moyo is inconspicuous and small. One day she meets the giant octopus, who cheers her up and tells…
Adrian Draschoff & Natascha Baumgärtner When You Dream A bedtime book that fills the night with colorful pictures This book tells of dreams that open up fantastic worlds in simple words. Together with the large, richly colored pictures by young illustrator Natascha Baumgärtner, Adrian Draschoff defies the laws of gravity and makes the impossible possible….
Mira Schönegge Let’s Go and Hug the Little Star A poetic picture book about the courage to dare to do something that seems impossible at first glance The little star is sad because he feels alone. What he wants most of all is a hug, it would certainly do him good. Will the two friends…
Jutta Degenhardt & Lars Baus The Magical Word Lottery The biggest prize is words Helene’s grandma collects magical words in a little box. Helene is delighted with this treasure and has an idea: what if they raffled off the most beautiful words in a lottery? Grandma and Helene build a street stall and the first…
Nadia Budde The Band Nobody Knows Wrong tones, great atmosphere! Nadia Budde gets young and old on their feet Who are they? Four figures with patent leather ankle boots, rings and chains, hard to understand – never seen here before. Hair like grass, customised suit, fur on their faces – we don’t know them. While…
Werner Holzwarth & Roger Olmos Pastor The Little Giant and the Tall Dwarf In Gigantoland, the giants and giantesses are excited to see the birth of a new child, but they are disappointed to see that the new child is a tiny giant. At the same time, a new child is also born in Dwarfland,…
Sophie Hofmann & Leonard Erlbruch Teddy Goes to Town Hey kiddo, do you need help? A picture book story about dogs travelling on the underground Dogs like Flea and his mum live all over the big city. The little one lives in a building pit on the outskirts of the city and has been waiting…
Saša Stanišić & Katja Spitzer Hey, hey, hey, Taxi! For a child, a taxi is a magic vehicle. A four-wheeled witches’ broom. As you enter it, a taxi can bring you anywhere you want to. But what if it’s magic was even bigger? What if taxis would allure stories, fantastic and absurd stories, funny stories…
Saša Stanišić & Katja Spitzer Hey, hey, hey, Taxi! 2 Every evening, Saša Stanišić and his son Nikolai invent new stories in which you can experience the craziest adventures involving the craziest taxis: Favourite taxi driver Odjo Odjo steps on the gas during a fast-paced chase, after all, a cockatoo has to be saved! The…
Gundi Herget & Katrin Dageför Oh Dear! Camillo Is Gone! The animals in the jungle of Madagascar have lots of fun playing. One day they discover something new: when Camillo the Chameleon gets scared, his colours change! When he gets angry, too! How funny! From then on, the friends can’t get enough of teasing and…
Antje Damm The Nori Says No! The Nori lives underground and loves red berries and life in nature. But one day a giantess throws something into its cave, destroys the table and chair and snatches it away from its world. She sees the Nori as her toy, which is to live in a doll’s house…
Joy Cowley & David Barrow A Lot of Silly World-renowned Joy Cowley brings her silly side to this collection of rhymes and nonsense old and new, illustrated in colour by master of the absurd David Barrow, for families to recite and remember. Joy Cowley knows what makes children laugh. In this book full of absurd…
Patricia Thoma & Brothers Grimm The Twelve Dancing Princesses The Brothers Grimm’s fairy tale deals with the timeless yet very topical subject of the transition from childhood to adulthood. The king’s twelve daughters withdraw from their father into a world of their own and guard this secret closely. Only twelve pairs of completely worn-out shoes…
Lisa Rammensee & Sandra Grimm Volana’s Madagascar Adventure Where will the little catta family find a home? The courageous female catta Volana takes matters into her own hands and sets off in search of a suitable place to raise her young. She roams Madagascar and gets to know many other animals and regions. But the…
Pascale Osterwalder Grigor & Tolya: The Cheese Sandwich A warm, sunny morning dawns in the Gnarled Forest, but Grigor couldn’t be in a worse mood. Tolya’s snoring has kept him awake half the night and, to make matters worse, the cheese has run out at breakfast. But Grigor really needs his cheese sandwich now. To…
Franz Suess In the Pockets of the Handsome Mr Day When handsome Mr Day gets tired, Mrs Night wakes up and it slowly gets dark everywhere. Mr Day quickly pockets various things that are left of him: a fish that didn’t find its way home, the last ray of sunshine that no longer warmed him…
Mele Brink & Melanie Gerber I’ll Do It! The Somewhat Different Daddy-Leon-Day Dad is ill! Who will look after Leon now? Everyone is busy, only Leon has time. So he has to look after himself and Dad too. Of course he does. And so today turns out to be a fun and exciting Daddy-Leon day…
Katrin Dageför & Anna Schindler Is That True? 42 Curious Claims and Answers Is there a magic cure that makes you immortal? Does an octopus really have three hearts? Does the rabbit lay Easter eggs? And can a snake swallow a whole crocodile? What is true and what is not? Children have lots of questions….
Rebecca Mönch Yuna and the Thing About Being Liked Important message wrapped up in a sugar-sweet package: Not everyone has to like you – be yourself! Yuna is still quite new to the human world. As a little dog, there are lots of exciting things to discover. But some things are not so easy to…
Lutz van Dijk/Rozette Kats & Francis Kaiser My Name was Rita Back Then Trust in a world of horror The story of a Jewish girl, told for children If little Rozette had not found protection as a baby with a couple she did not know, she would have been murdered in Auschwitz like her Jewish…
Jens Rassmus Rainy Day Heavy rain outside the window, the whole world black and white. Two children sit helplessly in the room, but then they push open other, fantastic windows! “Imagine…” is the magic formula they use to transform the world and themselves. Jens Rassmus swaps ink for acrylic colours and creates wide, bright spaces…
Jörg Mühle Tomorrow, I am the Boss! When the weasel comes home, he can hardly believe his eyes: Bear and Badger are playing with each other. The weasel is furious. Because Badger is his friend! “Why don’t you play with us?” suggests the badger, but Bear and Weasel can’t agree, not on football, not on…
Jörg Mühle Two for Me, One for You Bear finds three tasty mushrooms on her way home through the woods. Her friend Weasel cooks them up in the frying pan. But the friends have a problem: how to share three between two? Bear and Weasel come up with one argument after another for why they…
Dörte Horn & Philipp Stampe Football Mania for Digger Dan Where did those guys suddenly come from? Mucky and the other road vehicles challenge digger Dan and his friends! They claim to be the better football players. Can the team from the construction site kindergarten hold their own against the fast speedsters, or will they…
Werner Holzwarth & Emilio Urberuaga Croak, the Happiest Frog in the World Croac was the happiest frog in the world. He laughed when he dived and reached the bottom of the lake. He smiled when he landed on his legs after a somersault. And he shouted “Yippee!” every time he succeeded in jumping from one…
Hardy Hinrichs The Giant Next Door Theodor has moved into a new home and feels quite alone. When he watches the neighbours through his window in the evening, he is surprised to discover that there is a giant sitting in the neighbours’ living room. But isn’t it impractical for a giant to live in a…
Alexandra Prischedko One Way and Another In this special picture book on diversity and open-mindedness in one’s own experience and actions we encounter fantastic animal images from the underwater world. Masterly precision characterises the splendid and poetic pictures. They offer everything that illustration has over a photograph. A single clownfish in the multitude of male…
Arne Rautenberg & Wolf Erlbruch Courage is a Good Thing For those who take their courage in both hands and overcome procrastination, real elation awaits! Wolf Erlbruch has captured this special moment in ravishing images. Arne Rautenberg has been inspired by them to write enjoyable poems. Peter Hammer Verlag Poems | Picture Book Original title:…
Heike Brandt & Giulia Orecchia Kaya Knows What She Wants Children’s everyday life can be this exciting! This is a book with nine stories about Kaya. And Kaya knows what she wants. A loaf of bread with plum jam, for example. A fried egg. Or a ride on her bike to the park, where you…
Finn-Ole Heinrich & Dita Zipfel & Tine Schulz Turnips and Fireworks Of course: When the old year is as worn out as Bosco’s super-wolly pyjamas, a new one is needed. And the Turnip family has a tried and tested ritual for the turn of the year: They saddle up Olga the donkey and wander through the…
Yayo Kawamura & Harriet Grundmann I Have to Go, said the Bear When the bear said goodbye, everyone was at a loss. Do you want to look for sweeter berries? asked the blackbird. Do you have an appointment? the dog wanted to know. Nobody understood why the bear had to leave, not even Bear himself….
Joy Cowley & Hilary Jean Tapper Good Night, Good Beach An evocative bedtime picture book that distils the essence of a family summer at the bach. Summer holidays by the sea have a rhythm all their own. With a few resonant images Cowley takes us straight to the end of a long hot day with…
Ana Popescu & Clemens Bruno Gatzmaga Ellea and the City There are days when you can hear the fish whispering if you put your ear very close to the surface of the great ocean. In the past, the monkeys still lived in tree hollows on the mountain. Then they moved down to the city. Only…
Guridi & Fran Pintadera Cannibal Child Cannibal child, like the rest of his merry tribe, is always on the lookout to see who he can sink his teeth into. From the outset, no one is safe from these voracious but friendly people, accustomed to solving their problems at the table: not the travelling merchants, nor…
Valeria Docampo & Alexandra Helmig Alva and the Glow of Memories This work of art holds the treasure of us all Alva lives alone on an island. Every day, memories arrive at her house and she takes care of them. She cleans and polishes them so they don’t fade. But suddenly something is different. Have…
Tessa Sima If Responsibility Were a Hat What if responsibility were a hat, which one(s) would suit me best? One suits you particularly well, but for me it is unbearable. And for others it’s probably the other way round. How much responsibility does a crown bear, and what if I don’t want to wear responsibility?…
David Barrow Have You Seen Dinosaur? In this follow-up to the bestselling picture book Have You Seen Elephant?, boy, dog and elephant search in a dramatic cityscape for a dinosaur that’s surprisingly good at hiding. Best friends boy, dog and elephant are VERY good at hide-and-seek. There’s a missing dinosaur in the city – who…
Philipp Stampe & Dörte Horn Happy Birthday, Digger Dan! Let’s have a party, Digger Dan! As Dan rolls into the construction site nursery this morning, his friends are already eagerly awaiting him. Because it is a very special day today: It is Digger Dan’s birthday! The mice have come up with a great idea on how…
Anna Marshall Cloud Button What is it like to arrive in a country where you don’t understand the language? Liah and her mother have come from a faraway country. The foreign language intimidates Liah, it sounds to her as if many pebbles were falling onto the floor; one after the other. When Liah is given…
Antje Damm Ask Me! 118 questions for children to get into conversation with each other. Revised new edition In this new edition of Ask Me!, which was first published in 2002, Antje Damm has revised and rethought questions, illustrations and photographs. With this type of book, which was new at the time of its first…
Merle Goll & Beate Teresa Hanika Mr Kleemann and his Fish A fish is a friend Mr Kleemann loves fishing and he loves delicious fish. One day he catches a very special specimen. The fish is silver, has light blue eyes and golden spots on its belly. Mr Kleemann has never seen anything so beautiful!…
Birgit Schössow Oskar Holidaybear Holiday time! Excited Mimi is expecting guests for the first time at her hotel by the sea. Already the bus arrives with lots of people, suitcases and boxes – and a bear! The big, shaggy guest introduces himself at Mimi’s reception as “Oskar Holidaybear”. The adults anxiously keep their distance from…
Mele Brink & Thomas Endl Wherever You Want Marie and Gustav really don’t always see eye to eye. When they find a ticket to Whereveryouwant in an old tramcar, however, they do fly to a jousting tournament, to the Emperor of China’s lantern festival and even to the Man in the Moon together. But as…
Katinka Manzau-Feddern Ophelia and the Moon Bumblebees have dreams too. Can you imagine that? Bumblebee Ophelia is very, very fond of dreaming and wonders night after night what it looks like on the moon. Ophelia has heard so many stories about the moon. But none of the meadow dwellers has ever visited the moon. Surely…
Katja Gehrmann & Constanze Spengler No Further Than the Ice Cream Van Dad and Mika are on a beach holiday: setting up parasols, swimming, reading, playing badminton. Until the ice cream van rings its bell. Mika runs to get the ice cream, but is held up – and the van is already gone again. So…
Antje Damm & Will Gmehling Pizza Cat Here’s comes Pia the pizza cat, nimble and nippy – MAMMA MIA! She whizzes through this picture book on her yellow Vespa, loaded with pizza that is so delicious that you won’t forget it. Will Gmehling gives the pizza cat a boost, in fast-paced verses he lets her…
Katharina Naimer Hans in Luck The fairy tale Hans in Luck deserves to be looked at afresh and attentively through the images created by the artist Katharina Naimer. At the beginning of the fairy tale, Hans receives the gold nugget as a reward for seven years‘ work, then he exchanges the gold nugget for a…
David Acera & Ina Hristova Why Don’t Birds Have a King? Birds are the liveliest and freest animals in the world. But has that always been the case? Many years ago, that was about to change. One fine day, the sun, tired of the merry morning songs, decided that the time had come for the…
Rosa Sardina Collective ON/OFF “We already have a lot of electronic devices at home. There are new ones and older ones, but we are all important, necessary, essential… Or maybe not so much? Another new one has arrived and it has started to ask us questions: Why aren’t we always on? What do the humans…
Tàssies Stolen Names Bullying in schools is often a taboo. Stolen Names makes the topic tangible and wants to encourage people to take a stand. In a school, all the people are depicted with apples as heads. There is a lively hustle and bustle in the schoolyard and in the classroom. Only one boy is…
Inge Brendler & Stephanie Marian Sound Caper – A Note Steps out of Line An exciting journey through the world of music with numerous audio examples The little note Finn no longer feels comfortable within his birthday song, because the other notes claim that he doesn’t sound nice, not festive enough. He decides to jump…
Philipp Stampe The Carnival of the Animals Can you spot who has dressed up as which animal? The bullfinch discovers a poster one morning with an announcement about the Carnival of the Animals – and the best costume will win a prize! The news spreads like wildfire throughout the animal kingdom. With fervour, animal costumes…
Tàssies The Lost Child Children experience flight and new beginnings, migration and integration. This book inspires confidence through children’s eyes and children’s ears. A Christmas story about migration, flight and new beginnings. Sensitive and clear images evoke dialogue in viewers of all ages without being frightening or trivialising. A Christmas story with special potential for…
Mele Brink & Andrea Lienesch Apple Juice Thoughts Oops! Just for one moment Jule wasn’t paying attention and dropped the cup with the apple juice. But why does everything actually fall down? And what would happen if things fell upwards instead? Jule’s thoughts begin to wander and behind each “what if” she discovers new, crazy…
Katrin Dageför & Anna Schindler Penguins at the Sushi Bar The two penguins Geraldine and Wellington build their nest in a sushi bar, of all places. And not only that. The penguins eat all the fish bites that go round and round on the conveyor belt. But they can’t pay for what they’ve eaten. When…
Nele Brönner & Melanie Laibl Super Glitter Where does nature end? And where does technology begin? And what happens when the two worlds collide? A magpie with a sense of beauty finds a shimmering something in the forest. What might it be? Plant or animal? Magpie, fox and mole disagree. Then – luckily? – a…
Friederike Dammermann Not Without My Duck Giraffe and Duck sit in the bathtub, warble a song and feel: there is talent at play here; it demands a microphone and a stage! In a paper boat they paddle into the harbour of the big city. And really, success is not long in coming. Giraffe and Duck…
Britta Bolle I Feel … A Book on Empathy This book has no back cover, it just has two beginnings. It is written from two perspectives that meet in the middle of the book. Because what one person feels, someone else in the same situation may feel completely differently. Feeling the feelings of the other…
Laurel Snyder Abby’s Dream Abby’s Dream – No More Strings! A girl in a world full of magic and mist, full of music and tricks, full of secrets … Abby is an artiste held captive at a circus: She spends her days entertaining the audience and her nights in a cage, longing for freedom. One…
Dita Zipfel & Finn-Ole Heinrich & Tine Schulz Bosco Turnip Races through the Year Birthday surely is the best day of the year. And Bosco Turnip is looking forward to being four years old like crazy. Until then, a lot will happen in Bosco’s life, because Bosco is a wild little guy, full of ideas,…
Sarah Davis & Juliette MacIver The Grizzled Grist Does Not Exist! An exuberant rhyming picture book about a school trip to the hills, where no one sees the danger—apart from quiet Liam, who pays attention and saves the day with his particular skill of hiding. It’s the class trip to Dismal Hills wilderness. The children…
Alexandra Helmig & Timo Becker Kosmo & Klax: Bravery Stories Kosmo & Klax dare to do something! The friends from the enchanted park master big and small tests of courage in the 20 new read-aloud stories: Whether they organise a daredevil soapbox race, climb the high sky ladder together or overcome their fear of flying….
Alexandra Helmig & Timo Becker Kosmo & Klax: Bedtime Stories There’s always something going on in the happy world of Kosmo & Klax: whether it’s a night hike with a wishing star, the firefly dance in the tree house in the tree house or an evening flute concert. Kosmo the squirrel and Klax the little…
Lisa Rammensee & Sandra Grimm The Parrot Egg Rescue Capy the little capybara—big rescue operation in the Pantanal Oops, what is this? Something just landed right in front of Capy‘s nose. Is that a parrot egg? Capy sets off with the egg to find the parrot parents. Luckily, the other animals from the Pantanal rush…
The garden: It is fun, it is work and at the same time it can be an exciting adventure playground Anna and Benjamin’s family have just moved to a new house and can’t wait to turn their messy grass into a beautiful garden, but first they must plan, plant and learn how to care for…
He would be a dream pet for me because kakapos are nocturnal. During the day he could sleep in my knight‘s castle without bugging mum, but at night we would have fantastic adventures together. I‘ve always wanted a pet. Yesterday during breakfast I heard a report about the kakapo on the radio. There‘s no such…
Thais Mesquita & Corinna Antelmann Jon and the Fourth Cinnamon Bun Suddenly big brother—suddenly we are four Jon‘s world is perfect. Every Sunday he runs to the bakery and buys three cinnamon buns. One for mum, one for dad, and one for himself. But then his little sister is born and his parents don‘t have…
Sensitively told, luminously staged The little story by Jürg Schubiger—discovered in the great Swiss author‘s estate—looks into a distant night. Into a time in which everything is still intact and lasts forever.Adam and Eve lie on a cushion of moss and look up at the stars, dense as snowflakes. Surrounded by everything they need and…
Little Sophie can hardly wait for her visit to the zoo today. Full of anticipation, she walks through the city and already discovers animals everywhere. Aren‘t those two pandas sitting at the table in the café over there? Or is the lady with the sunglasses sitting there all alone? Sophie‘s fantasy world and reality merge…
How curiosity inspires and brings new friends Amelie is a know-it-all – and she’s not alone. When she lands on an unexplored island, she suddenly becomes a research object herself. Monkey, tiger and elephant are like her – incredibly curious. They get closer, they get to know each other, they explore together. Until one day…
Elena Prochnow was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1978. Ever since she can remember, she has loved listening to records with stories and drawing. She grew up in Tallinn, Estonia, where she attended the State Art School and graduated with a diploma. She studied journalism and law. In 2020, she graduated in communication design with…
Einar Turkowski The Night Wanderer It began with a low squeal … The Night Wanderer is a wonderful picture book for art lovers of all ages. Award-winning illustrator Einar Turkowski tells the story of a summer with atmospheric images and tender words: enigmatic, poetic and tremendously inspiring. Sometimes things seem simple and clear. But doesn’t…
Commotion at the swimming lake – what’s going on? “A crocodile in the lake!” – That can’t be true. Or can it? Twelve wonderful and colourful scenes tell of the great commotion caused by this headline. There is a lot to look out for, to discover and to puzzle over in each picture. Great fun…
What is time? Each day, Sören, the little green stone, gazes longingly out at the ocean. He yearns to feel the sea and fathom its secrets. But it takes the sea forever to reach him. He waits for days, for years, for centuries. Until one day a little girl finds Sören – her lucky stone….
Ulff has a problem. His tummy rumbles and he has a crazy appetite for squirrels! But the little rodents are way too fast for him. There only seems to be one solution left: find the suitcase in which he has stored his dangerous lasso. But this isn’t going to be as easy as he thinks. …
Who’s switched the light off? And what’s an UFO doing there? For twelve everyday words – such as Car, Rain, Air or Friend – Susanne Straßer has created a vividly colorful scene each. Each spread is teeming with crazy fun motives and artistic ideas. This colourful, imaginary and funny picture book without words invites children…
Waaaaah?! Big commotion in the henhouse! A hawk! Danger! And what does the rooster do? He helps the bird of prey out of the hatch and looks dreamily after it? What‘s going on here? The hawk and the rooster are actually enemies by nature, everone knows that. Yes, normally they are—but the two have discovered…
Rosa Sardina Collective & Roser Rimbau Lota the Sperm Whale In the sea, everywhere you look, there’s more and more debris and waste. Lota, the spermwhale, is wondering where all that dirty rubbish comes from. She and her friend Malacu, the crab, decide to undertake an investigation that leads them first to a boat with…
It‘s not every day that a horse rings the doorbell and comes to a child‘s birthday party. But today is that day! The guests are thrilled because Robin, the horse, takes them on his back and gallops with them through the wide prairie, past fertile oases up to highest vantage point and to a bubbling…
How about that! After more than two decades, there finally is a Christmas successor to Nadia Budde‘s One Two Three Me. In a handy gift book format, One Two Three Reindeer nicely fits into Santa‘s Christmas bag and any Secret Santa package or stocking. Again, it is as simple as it is ingenious: three Christmas…
The tiny woman makes a coat of leaves with the help of friends in this vibrant rhyming tale. The trees, geese, porcupine, horse and plants all share something so the tiny woman can snip, snip, snip and stitch, stitch, stitch a coat to keep herself warm. Resourcefulness and friendship are at the heart of this…
Makes you want to go to the museum—an exciting mixture of narrative text and non-fiction picture book Museum moth Heribert is a great lover of art. After a visit to his family in the countryside, he takes his niece Jolinde to the museum where he lives to show her how great art is and how…
The Extinction and Survival of the Species “Larger than a swan, with the body of an ostrich and the talons of an eagle.“ At the end of the 16th Century, the Dodo was discovered on the island of Mauritius, a flightless bird that lived peacefully among exotic plants and animals. Just a hundred years later,…
Valentin is dreaming. When he wakes up the dream is still there. What will happen if he catches the dream and plants it? A huge tree grows out of the tiny dream bean and it‘s amazing. There‘s even a lift in it. Valentin gets in. This story tells what he experiences in the miracle tree….
What happens in the middle of that night Dad and Flo spend at the campsite? An adventure! That‘s what Dad and Flo are craving and they set off for the campsite in the forest. Flo‘s teddy is allowed to come along, of course. After climbing the mountain, they sit by the fire and later Flo…
A picture book about bullying at school and learning to fight back “My name is Mimi and I‘m in the second grade. Florian and the boys always tease me. I have to do something about it. Maybe my grandpa can help me with that.“ Mimi is teased and bullied by older boys at her school….
Earthworm wants to be Rabbit‘s friend. Rabbit isn‘t convinced, but Worm‘s insistence and sense of humor and a feast of mulberries will put an end to Rabbit‘s reluctance. After all, friendship is above all differences … isnt‘ it? A comic book starring Earthworm—much to the delight of early readers. by Iván F. & Ramón D….
Flora‘s ninth birthday is approaching. But instead of worrying about birthday wishes, her thoughts revolve around completely different things: The news is full of disturbing reports about the effects of climate change. Even the koala bears are threatened with extinction, it is claimed. “That won‘t happen“, says Flora‘s dad. But that doesn‘t make things any…
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who writes the funniest fairy tales of all? Elisabeth Steinkellner and Michael Roher, answers the mirror, and who’s to argue? Never before has anyone fabulated so amusingly through the history of fairy tales, mixing old with new in the most wonderful way possible: Red Riding Hood and the wolf are…
If elephants fly through the air like butterflies and Margareth the wild boar goes for a stroll in her frilly skirt … If wild, free mermaids watch Donald Duck, and Fischer Fritz has swimming races with one-wheeled fish … Then we are there, where the collarbone and cowslip are friends, a very special place. There…
The little giraffe, the little elephant and the little zebra are best friends and they meetevery day in the Savannah.. One day they make a wonderful discovery: huge trees with the sweetes fruits grow on an island in the middle of the river. But it seems impossible to get hold of these fruits. Disappointed, they…
Did you ever kill a rabbit when you were young? Or did you study something that doesn’t interest you? There’s a second chance! Henning Wagenbreth turns back the time in Land in Reverse and you can do all those things again and better. In panels, full-page illustrations and with spot-on rhymes, the Berlin-based illustrator…
The world-famous fairytale by the Brothers Grimm has fascinated readers for centuries and has firmly rooted the image of the bad wolf and the innocennt human child in our heads.. This new, artistic interpretation by Katharina Naimer surprises and at the same time invites the reader the discover the complexity of the fairy tale in…
Friendship also works without many words Bunny has very special ears: They are beautiful, long and soft! But: he can‘t hear with them … He would love to build a hut in the forest with his friends. He had already enjoyed it so much in his dream. And they are all there: Fox, Squirrel, Hedgehog…
“Dad, there‘s a big cat in the meadow!“ The little girl is very excited. It‘s a nice day to walk and run around in the park. Unfortunately, Dad is more interested in his mobile phone than her and any big cats. “How nice! Then you have someone to play with“, he simply says, turning towards…
Come and enter the Turnips‘ cave, where the Turnip family tries to kip, doze off, slide into beddybies every night. But before they can sleep, there are a hundred little things to be taken care of – and all of which are not supposed to be mixed up! So it’s kind of a crazy adventure…
A large family of fuzz leads a quiet life on a scratchy old wool blanket. The days go by uneventfully—and the fuzz family is quite happy about that. Only one tiny bit of lint gets bored and dreams of the big wide world. But the other family members are afraid of anything beyond the wool…
Paula has always wanted to go to the moon. She‘s tried all sorts of schemes to get there, from trying to reach it on Dad‘s shoulders to building her own rocket and flying it with soap bubbles and kites. Paula still dreams of flying to the moon. Every night she thinks about how she will…
It is a stormy morning in November when her mother takes Emma to a big, chunky house. Above the entrance it says “School“ and inside the grey giants that sometimes assign really tricky puzzles keep watch. “You, hammer nose, this calculation is very easy. No witchcraft. So do try a bit harder!“ So Emma is…
Balthasar Bloodberg is a terrifying creature who rules the entire world! He lives in the vastest and deepest of all oceans, the almost infinite Pacific … well, in in all honesty Bobo, as he calls himself, is a leech and lives in an overgrown pool. To him this actually is his whole world, into which…
True or a Lie? Can you pick rain drops from trees? Are cowboys riding on flowers? Can snowmen survive the summer time? And is it toothpaste which comes out of the blue and white tube – or is it a greedy caterpillar? Illustrator and writer Carolin Löbbert has created a special book with riddles for…
Rabbit, mouse and bear have discovered a delicious apple high up in the tree. Everyone wants to have the apple for themselves. Rabbit can do high jumps, but unfortunately he ends up in the wrong place. Mouse is clever and builds a tower. She is about to reach the apple when the bear‘s paw grabs…
Antje Damm‘s picture book comes along as a soft-footed and comprehensible book dedicated to the subject of dying, death and mourning. A fox comes into the forest. He‘s carrying a large box filled with cans of tomato soup, because he‘s toothless and old. The rabbits, initally scared of him, soon understand and thus animals who…
Gallina is only colourful chicken among all the white laying hens. But instead of being a good hen and laying her eggs, Gallina asks un-comfortable questions like: What is the world beyond the walls of the stable like? Although the others are convinced that there is nothing outside of the chicken farm, Gallina will not…
Zebras have stripes. All zebras have stripes. Zebras are beautiful. All day long they take pictures of each other. The zebras. Because they find themselves so beautiful. Their stripes in particular. And they show the photographs around. “Just look at those wondful stripes! My wonderful stripes!“, they say. And they really find themselves beautiful. Only…
Esteisi has to face the ridicule of her sisters and the mean girls in class. The author is carried away by the overflowing imagination of Esteisi, a six-year-old girl who, with her fantastic ideas and the support of her faithful friend Pimiento, a talking pony, pushes the idiom “drastic times call for drastic measures” to…
Joy Cowley & Giselle Clarkson The Gobbledegook Book – A Joy Cowley Anthology Joy Cowley’s wordplay and humour shine in this landmark collection of stories, rhymes, nonsense and poems. The Gobbledegook Book collects favourites like ‘Faster Faster’ and less-known treasures alongside the much-loved classics ‘Greedy Cat’ and ‘Nicketty-Nacketty Noo-Noo-Noo’. The Gobbledegook Book is a perfect…
A large format pop-up book about a tiny little bump that grows into a huge mountain. To the natural question of where mountains actually come from, this book provides the right answer for the whole family: they have grown over an incredible number of years. When this particular mountain in the story is very small,…
Together, Pit and Pelle are big enough to do the shopping for dinner by themselves this time. They set off with dad‘s shopping list. Pit pushes his little brother through the supermarket in the shopping trolley and Pelle manages to reach everything. When they are done with the list, they add all those things that…
Poodle Hugo loves tidying-up, sorting, putting away and cleaning until everything shines. Cat Kalina, on the other hand, cannot imagine anything more awful, because what could be more boring than cleaning-up! But on cleaning-up day, Kalina must also help—a deal is a deal! Fortunately she knows a few tricks that make the room look tidy…
Rinsing pots, cleaning, washing-up, tidying away toys! Mum and dad have had enough of the mess. Kira and Niko don‘t mind the clutter and they think it‘s stupid to tidy up. Then one day Robert turns up. He tidies up the children‘s bedroom, rinses the dishes and cleans the toilet. Mum and dad suddenly have…
Fish Sammy and frog Ogi embark on an adventurous journey from the source of the river to the sea. The two friends experience quite a lot of adventures along the way. They swim past mills, meadows filled with flowers and through a dark tunnel. Sammy and Ogi meet the squirrel, a beaver and the little…
Agonisingly boring bedtime stories Our everyday life is basically the same as Emmental cheese: a few holes here and there improve the quality considerably. Time to calm down. Time to just be yourself. Great people know how important this is once they have celebrated their birthday about three dozen times; or when they have been…
Have you ever tried to read the Little Prince to little children? You will soon have realized that it doesn‘t work. Just like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s little hero, you must have learned a fair bit about the world before the fabulous story becomes accessible to you. Children‘s book author Isabel Pin has undertaken to recount…
Whenever Line can‘t fall asleep at night, she needs her cuddly toys. But they are scattered all over her bedroom. So Line has to get out of bed and collect them one by one. Every animal she finds tells her a story or an adventure experienced in a distant land. Bob the bear takes her…
Mika’s dad works at home, but he’s very busy with work. The promised visit to the quarry pond seems to be a long way off! To get Mika off his back, he allows Mika to buy a pet… This is the beginning of a wonderfully turbulent story in which one animal after another populates the…
It’s hard to believe, but sometimes even tigers get bored. Neither playing soccer with vultures, singing with the wildebeest, nor acting with the monkeys can help the tiger get rid of his boredom. The tiger comes up with a great idea one day: he’ll learn to fly! But this proves to be more difficult than…
Melin had actually been looking forward to school. And it wasn’t noticeable at the beginning, because everyone makes mistakes then. It was only noticed a little later, when the kids were all a bit older. No matter how hard Melin tried: whether a word is written with i or ie, with h or without h,…
Jenny Bornholdt & Sarah Wilkins A Book is a Book Told from a child’s view, this book captures the magic of books felt by voracious readers, and is a perfect gift for book-lovers of all ages. This small-format jacketed hardback has whimsical yet humorous illustrations and words that perfectly define everything that is good about…
Fleech, the leech, is no ordinary bloodsucker. On the contrary, he conscientiously pursues his work at a veterinary practice. He does his gymnastic exercises in the mornings, treats patients in the afternoon and takes care of the river sand at the bottom of his jar in the evenings. He is aware that much depends on…
The Cook who Cooked for Captain Cook Cook’s Cook follows the 1768 journey of James Cook’s H.M.S. Endeavour with his ship’s cook, the one-handed John Thompson, as story teller. Through real recipes, events on board and the places the ship travelled on its way to the Pacific, the book tells multiple stories. Here are stories…
When bus driver Ben Brause wants to start his bus on Monday morning, an unusual passenger comes running at the last moment: It is a dung beetle who rolls a huge dung ball in front of him and actually heaves the stinking thing into the bus. There are complaints about the smell immediately, although this…
Animalistic Two-Parters Two images and a cracking two-liner—Nadia Budde doesn’t need more than this to tell a funny story on a single double page spread! Just like this: Image no. 1: A late-adolescent kangaroo begrudgingly leaves the pouch of its annoyed mother. Image no. 2: The nursery is finally vacated, but there are two conspicuous…
In this resonant story from Joy Cowley, Cam the mountain boy follows the river from its trickling source in the snow all the way to the sea. The river leads him through forest, farms and towns to the salty wind of the sea. The dramatic landscapes are packed with detail to discover in the world…
Spiders spin spiders’ webs. That is normal. But one little spider in the meadow is different. Arachnida cannot spin webs. The old cross spider urges her to keep practicing and grows increasingly impatient when Arachnida keeps failing to accomplish this task. In the end, all the other insects and animals in the meadow laugh at…
Tim is not at a loss for excuses. In fact, he is in desperate need of excuses—every day of the week. On Monday, because he’s late for school. On Tuesday, because he forgets his socks. On Wednesday, because he brings home a dog instead of the shopping. That’s the way it works all through the…
A sheet of paper blown about by a sandstorm ends up in the hands of Moussa. He immediately thinks about using it to make a drawing of his village Thille Boubacar for his father, who lives abroad. But the whole village does not fit on one page. Moussa undertakes a tour through different typical scenes…
Night after night the night riders guide the people into the land of dreams. But one starless night, the shadows turn up out of nowhere. They are fast, cunning and determined to destroy all dreams. The land of dreams seems to be lost forever. But the night riders bravely wage the unequal struggle against the…
Hugo hates rain, Kalina, however, can imagine nothing better than jumping into water puddles in the rain so that the water splashes to all sides. This picture book narrates in sweeping images how nice it is to have a friend who carries you along. Even if you’d much rather retreat into your shell in a…
A teemingly funny picture book about chaos and order What a wonderful mess this is! Dozens of colourful tiny animals are bustling about the white pages. On two, four or more legs, with feathers, fins and tentacles. Scrawly and somehow in a good mood. Then someone calls for a bit of order: Please queue up…
The artists of this circus share a secret: Despite their triumphs in the arena, everyone dreams of doing other acts. The clown would love to get on the trapeze, the trapeze artist dies for juggling, the juggler dreams of being the human cannonball and the human cannonball would like to walk on a rope several…
A story about finding, holding on, and letting go With pictures that are touching and, in a quiet way, funny The moment Mrs. Trueheart, the piano teacher, walks by the poulterer’s store and lays eyes on the white drake, she doesn’t have to think. She just knows: the name of this bird is Ellington. And…
Contemplating Nature Is nature of equal importance to all people?, asks Antje Damm and places the photograph of three children in India right next to this question. To her, nature is of such great significance that she raises more than 60 questions which can be the basis for a long and deep conversation with children:…
When Digger Dan and his friends work on a new project at the Digger Day Care, every single vehicle has to give a helping hand. Each little vehicle is given a specific task. But how can the new vehicle, Finn Fire Engine, be of use? Is he just getting in the way of everyone else—or…
A Good Night Story from the Construction Site Every morning Digger Dan and his friends go to Digger Day Care. But this morning is very special. The Mice have a building plan and every little vehicle has its very own task to complete. Leo the Wheel Loader lifts a heavy stone. Digger Dan digs and…
The inhabitants at the top of the mountain think their village is the best. Unfortunately, at the foot of the mountain, another village thinks the same of their own. The inhabitants at the top of the mountain live happily in their village, where they enjoy the sun and the cool breeze; they believe their village…
Wearing new clothes doesn’t have to be incompatible with a stroll in the rain. There is no way she will soil her new clothes, her shiny new shoes or white socks. So the girl thinks of all sorts of strategies to avoid the puddles, which in her mind are traps blocking her way. But despite…
Stories about angry clouds, adventurous nights, and thunderstorms in the belly Kristina Andres has come up with new read aloud stories that are beautifully illustrated: They are about going into winter sleep in summer (with ice cream in the tummy to get ready for it); about an adventurous night on the lake (with a hungry…
One normal day, the drawbridge operator is going about his work when he suddenly discovers a bridge troll, who is sleeping under his drawbridge. At first, he is furious. The bridge troll has no business under his bridge, of all places, so why is he here? Gradually, though, the bridge troll and the drawbridge operator…
What is that supposed to mean: The mice are ordered to let a stranger move in with them? This is outrageous! A letter from the mayor changes the quiet subterranean lives of the mice: Someone is going to move in with them, someone, who lost his home. “Where is this person going to sleep? We…
When little Anouk gets lost in the forest she encounters the much dreaded bear. But she quickly realises that contrary to the rumours the big animal is utterly harmless. An exceptional friendship ensues. A modern interpretation of the old Russian fairy tale. Anouk and Mister Bear demonstrates how brave childish innocence can be. by Mascha…
The baby wants breakfast so Malcolm gets out of bed to get started. Then in comes Toby. And Una and Toto, then Alice—they’re hungry too. And Conrad from next door and his sister Ruby! Everyone has a request for breakfast. But who is taking notice of the baby? The Longest Breakfast is a fun stroy…
A strong and simple picture book that perfectly encapsulates the world of a child If I was a banana, I would be that one, so beautifully yellow and full of banana … This boy’s eye-view of the everyday brings alive all the wonder and oddity of the world inside our own heads. It beautifully captures…
Magnificent Story Between Heaven and Hell When Luci joins the class, it quickly becomes apparent that he is no child like the others. The little horn peaks on his head and his hoof leave little room for doubt: Luci is a young devil straight from hell. Devils, even little ones, can do things others are…
Even though bears of various kinds lived in the town—black and white, striped and nicely coiffed—one of them always stood out: Linus. His fur was so scraggy that you could only see the tip of his nose. He didn’t work and danced through the streets like a spinning top. This bear was a hair-raising nuisance….
A deft and delightful tale, packed with word play and madcap energy A class trip to the zoo descents into a chaotic hunt for the missing hippopotamus. Teacher, zookeeper and all the children join the search. The noise and drama reach a pitch, and no one thinks to listen to quiet Liam, who really might…
Eleven and half good night stories with Fox and Rabbit Fox and rabbit lived far away, behind the mole hills, in a small yel-low house. If they can’t sleep, they count the good nights (335 in total). If they wish each other a good night, the rustling pear tree, the raspberries and the stars join…
Nadia Budde’s hero is no longer the master in his own house, because he has a permanent resident: the rat. Day after day he finds the rat on his doormat when he gets home; huge and in good humour. Once she’s inside the house, she puts on his slippers and makes herself at home: on…
A picture book for close inspection When you open this book you find an abundance of images with challenges and questions that require a very close look at the illustrations. The scenes are set on a sheet of floating ice in the sea or in the busy jungle. They sometimes revolve around little octopuses, at…
Take a trip through the zoo with this irrepressible pigeon, as she preens and poses alongside all the animals, right up to the sharp teeth of a grumpy lion… Fantastic satire with deadpan black humour! by Michal Shalev “Simple written text with superb pencil and watercolour illustrations. The crocodile runway is terrific. If you miss…
Helios’ arrival in the world generates a lot of curiosity in Estrella, his brother, who observes fascinated by this little person who now forms part of the family. But little by little, fascination turns into suspicion when she sees that Helios has become the center of their parents’ attention, when before, she was that center….
Many things are floating around in Minna’s head and not only because she will soon go to school. She leads a turbulent life with her cool brother, who only likes dangerous things, her stressed dad, who occasionally leaves the house without socks and Tarzan, who frolics around in mum’s tummy to such a degree that…
An assured and exciting debut picture book from a top emerging talent, about a small boy and his elephant playing an absurd game of hide and seek. Elephant wants to play hide and seek. But you’ll need to try your best—he’s very good! Have You Seen Elephant is perfect for sharing with children, who will…
We are all familiar with this story: the occupied hostel in Bethlehem, the angel, the shepherds in the fields, King Herod, the infanticide. But here, we don’t read the story in Luther’s words, but retold in such a way that the people’s longing for peace is at the heart of it. And we read it…
Berlin based comic artist Henning Wagenbreth has discovered a number of ballads in Robert Louis Stevenson’s work that are entirely unknown. Fascinated by the power of these stories, he has translated one of them into German and has illustrated it: The Pirate and the Apothecary—”a jewel filled with colourful facets of good and bad, honour…
The only delightful thing about Cleopatra is her name. She is a laughing hyaena with everything that comes with a hyaena: a pungent smell, shrill laughter, spotted shaggy fur. Cleopatra runs a little shop at the end of the world, right next to the garbage dump. This is where she finds everything she needs in…
The crossover between a human being and an animal is blurry. In any case the crossover between some people and animals. Who doesn’t know the swimmer at the open air pool who emerges from the water with a bald round head, round eyes and a large moustache and resembles a popular sea animal so amazingly…
We all occasionally dream of being a little prettier. Taller, slimmer, a bit more muscular, somewhat blonder. We are not alone with our vanities! Nadia Budde gets a lot of zany characters on the pages of her picture book – neighbours, relatives, friends – and we immediately realize their little imperfections. Too many kilograms, a…
Cat Fred and goose Anabel have enjoyed a wonderful summer in each other’s company. But then autumn arrived. Anabel started to get cold and had to fly south. But Anabel can’t bear to be without Fred. And Fred misses Anabel, too. After all, spring follows winter. And it turns out that Anabel and Fred weren’t…
Every day, the strongest man in the world has to face limitations imposed by his age and height. People confuse him with his aunt on the telephone, he has to take the stairs to his apartment, because he can’t reach the button for the elevator. He gets sick in the car, broccoli terrorizes him, and…
Quima goes for a walk and discovers that something is following her everywhere, even if she tries to get rid of it: it’s her shadow. This discovery leads her to wonder about the origin and essence of shadows: what are they? What are they made of? Where do they come from? To find out, Quima…
What is this? That’s how a curious person asks and he asks from morning till nighttime, so that he will be wiser. What is this? A fairy, a shrew mouse, a wart hog, a doll munching beast. That’s how someone, who has already seen more of the world, would answer without hesitation. But as he…
52 Opportunities to Talk About Lies and the Truth Does everyone lie every now and again? Is it allowed to tell white lies? Why do we want to know the truth? Is there always just one truth? Can animals lie? Lies can have far-reaching consequences. But they can also be a last resort. When do…
Kids tend to have mood swings. Absolute joy and happiness can turn into an attack of rage and a noisy tantrum, the reason for which is often hard to identify in the middle of the commotion. One minute everything is painted pink, and the next there’s tension and the grey clouds roll in and end…
Elise is lonely and fearful. She never leaves her flat. But one day, a strange object flies in through the open window. And the following day, Elise has an unexpected visitor. This is to be a visit that will change everything … A beautiful, gentle and sympathetic story about how an inquisitive and self-confident child…
In bygone times, when this and that was still missing – the humps on the camel’s back or the elephant’s trunk for example – there were no armardillos either. Rudyard Kipling has resolved the greatest mysteries in his famous Just So Stories – amongst them the puzzle surrounding the origin of the armadillos: The hedgehog…
The little girl is lying in her bed, her eyes wide open. The night is black and you can get lost in the dark room like in a dark forest. But thank God, there is the white bear! He is sitting at the little girl’s bedside every night, slightly shimmering in the darkness. One day…
The little girl and her grandfather spend a lot of time together. They look at the trains at the station and watch the animals in the zoo, they buy bread on the market and weed grandfather’s garden. But whatever they decide to do, the old man always notes: maybe this is the last time we…
Occasions to Think About Nothingness Are we nothing before we are born? Is it possible that nothingness is a hole? Where does a journey into nothingness lead? It is questions such as these that Antje Damm asks in this book and she thus takes children absolutely seriously. Her unique composition of succinct phrases with often…
Will the earth always be there? This is one of the questions Antje Damm poses in her book. Who wants to answer it? But to discuss it, to philosophise about it is fun and prompts us to think about the world in which we live. Where does fear come from? Does it hurt to grow…
His lonely way to school saddens the little boy’s heart every morning. There are so many things scaring him. The dark tunnel. The fierce old man. But one afternoon someone is waiting for him in front of the school. A nice guy with floppy ears and an amazing friendliness. It’s a big dog who, from…
Juri has finished his rocket and together with his sausage dog Laika sets out on his first flight into space. Everything seems perfect when they are suddenly drawn into an enormous storm in outer space. Having landed on an unknown star, they find that the rocket has been badly damaged. To make matters worse, they…
One fine day, the bees called for a grand assembly in the beehive. The purpose of the meeting? To discuss why it was that they were always all squashed together in cramped working conditions. After many complex computations, equations and calculations, they realized that there was one bee too many in their beehive! The bees…
A tale about a silent encounter: one day, Saída arrives at school – but she doesn’t speak! She comes from another country far away, and it seems as if she lost all her words during the journey. But Saída and her friend don’t give up, even though they lack a common language. They discover new ways…
When grandpa was a child everything was very different. There weren’t so many houses, milk came directly from the cow, everybody knew each other, and cars were pulled by horses. Pepe follows with great interest as his grandpa explains everything, but he understand his grandpa’s explanations in his own particular way. The book humorously and…
When Emanuel and Bilali wake up in the morning, there is no breakfast waiting for them. The boys live on the streets. When they are hungry they have to look for something to eat. Otherwise their empty stomach strats to growl like a lion. Fortunately, the boys have a lot of experience how to get…
Opportunities to Talk About Time Summertime, wintertime, spare time, timeout, best-before-dates – everything has its own time. Antje Damm renders time both visible and tangible – with photos, pictures and thought-provoking impulses. A book that not only children can spend a great deal of time with! It is rather strange with time: sometimes we have…
When the little mole discovers a pile of, well, pooh, on his head, he is absolutely certain that it doesn’t belong to him, but sets out on a mission to discover who exactly the culprit really is. His investigation takes him into the world of many animals as he wanders and compares the pile on…
It is difficult to say what love is. But this much is clear: it is something to do with kissing or so. Two in Love is a little gift book for all those who contemplate love. Wondering who wants to kiss whom and who may or even should do so. Wondering about the before and after. The longing,…
The bear is tired of being alone. He yearns to have a child, but does not know what to do. So he starts wandering around asking everybody what he has to do to become a father. The rabbit tells him that children grow on the field like turnips. The magpie advises him to lay an…
We already know Lina and the sheep who help her to fall asleep every night. Especially sheep no. 5, which is actually a wolf. A wolf, however, that nobody is scared of, because he’s as gentle as a lamb. As Lina once again lies in bed and counts her sheep jumping over her bed, something drips onto her…
Every evening Lina is counting sheep to fall asleep. Suddenly she notices that one of them is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing – in the true sense of the word! He is wearing a pullover and a cap made of wool. The wolf has to account for his deceit. He tries to convince Lina and the sheep, who naturally are…
Rodolfo, one of the Designers of All Things and grandson of the esteemed inventor of the rainbow, dreams of creating a creature that flies like a bird has the beauty of a flower. Whilst sitting by the lake and wondering how to do this he finally has a great idea. A delightful tale about an…
Leonard loves dogs and he knows everything about them. But at the same time he fears nothing as much as dogs. Until one day a little fairy appears on his bed cover and fulfills his biggest wish: she transforms him into a dog. But now something unexpected happens: Leonard the dog fears nothing as much…
Five animals meet in the shade of an old bridge: hyena, rat, spider, bat and toad – the frightful five! They are not there to make any mischievous plans; rather they are all very unhappy because nobody really likes them. But after a while the five become tired of their moaning and make plans to…
A man catches an eagle and brings it up amongst chickens. The eagle eventually lives like the chickens until one day, a naturalist passes by and immediately recognizes the bird as an eagle. That’s where the story begins. by Wolf Erlbruch & James Aggrey Peter Hammer Verlag | hc | 32 pp | 215 x…
Once upon a time there was a king who counted and recounted all of his possessions every morning from the window of his castle. Everything he saw was his: lands, wells, trees, and houses. All he cared about was the price of things, and not the happiness of the people. When young Ovidi goes to…