Animalistic Two-Parters

Two images and a cracking two-liner—Nadia Budde doesn’t need more than this to tell a funny story on a single double page spread!
Just like this: Image no. 1: A late-adolescent kangaroo begrudgingly leaves the pouch of its annoyed mother. Image no. 2: The nursery is finally vacated, but there are two conspicuous ears poking out of the shopping bag, if you look closely … “Empty pouch – heavy bag”.
This hilarious book features tipsy deer, raccoons exhausted from doing the ironing, sunbathing slugs and it quickly dawns on us that these funny animals – that’s us! Nadia Budde’s zoo reflects our own quirks and mishaps, little nullities as well as full-blown goofiness.
We laugh about ourselves and that’s a good start!

by Nadia Budde

Peter Hammer Verlag | hc | 48 pp | 200 x 215 mm | 2019 | 5+

All rights available


[original title: Krake beim Schneider]