David Böhm

Now. By the time you've finished reading this sentence, another 24 children will have come into this world.


How long does the now last? What is time? Why do people think they can have time? How do you measure time?

When the display shows that the next bus will arrive in three minutes, time can drag on quite a bit. It is not only children who think about this: When is “soon”? This book explores the different aspects of time: How measuring time changes our perception, what takes a long time and what is quick. What we spend most time on in our lives. What time means for other creatures, for a shark, a viper or a mayfly. And consciousness? Is it always NOW?

Karl Rauch Verlag

Children’s Non-fiction

Original title: Jetzt. Bis Du diesen Satz zu Ende gelesen hast, werden auf der Erde 24 Kinder geboren sein.
Age 8+
116 pp | € 25
hc | 150 x 210 mm
Publication: Oct 2023

Author & Illustrator: David Böhm

Rights sold: Czech


“High time to engage with time: It is a pleasure to open page after page of this total work of art, to discover, marvel and reflect on the phenomenon.”- The Jury, Leselotse

“His ingenious work not only explains the various dimensions of the concept of time, but also visualises time and makes it literally tangible. […] He opened a door to my imagination that led to a deeper understanding of the now, the future and the past.” – Agnes Sonntag, SPIEGEL

“Each double page is designed differently and presents a new idea. This creates a kind of laboratory of time that produces meaning and pleasure in the objective world as if by itself.” – Thomas Linden, Philosophie Magazin

“David Böhm asks about the nature of time and finds the most beautiful answers.” – Tilman Spreckelsen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“From page to page, you are amazed by more exciting facts […]. There are many drawings, thought-provoking ideas and time plays. A discovery book for hours of festive reading.” – Katrin Hörnlein, ZEIT

“All of this is written in a tongue-in-cheek and slightly philosophical style and illustrated in an original way. […] A family book that breaks every mould.”- Renate Grubert, Buchkultur

“The graphic artist from Prague knows how to stimulate thought with photos, questions and striking comparisons. […] Why do children wait longer for Christmas than adults? Don’t answer for yourself, ask the question at the dinner table. That’s what I mean by ‘family book'”. – Hans ten Doornkaat, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

“David Böhm asks about the nature of time and finds the most beautiful answers […]. [The] author does not underchallenge us, but leaves no one by the wayside, his language is understandable, his examples are clear and plausible, and when he describes what fills an average life, one can only become optimistic […]” – Tilman Spreckelsen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“Each double page is designed differently and presents a new idea. This creates a kind of laboratory of time that produces meaning and pleasure in the figurative world as if by itself.” – Thomas Linden, Philosophie Magazin

“David Böhm not only writes clearly and comprehensibly and makes numerous connections between the various scientific disciplines, he also stimulates the reader to rethink his own questions, comparisons and references, he also repeatedly encourages us to rethink our own perspective and perception.” –
FAZ Sonntagszeitung about “A wie Antarktis” (A is for Antarctica)

By the same author and illustrator