Friederike Dammermann
Not Without My Duck
Giraffe and Duck sit in the bathtub, warble a song and feel: there is talent at play here; it demands a microphone and a stage!
In a paper boat they paddle into the harbour of the big city. And really, success is not long in coming. Giraffe and Duck are a big hit in the Tiger Bar. But when a TV guy takes notice of the duo and puts them in silly clothes, Giraffe gets angry. When Duck is also fired because she is small and only quacks, they have enough – and they run away …
Back home, they get on with singing where they got out: in the still warm water of their bathtub.
Friederike Dammermann’s good-humoured yellow-coloured heroes sing a well-known song right on the first page, the soundtrack to a funny and quirky story for all bathtub singers!
Peter Hammer Verlag
Picture Book
Original title: Nicht ohne meine Ente
Age 4+
32 pp | € 16
hc | 200 x 275 mm
Publication: 2022
Author & Illustrator: Friederike Dammermann
All rights available
- Look inside
- Book trailer
- A funny excursion into show business
- About friendship, loyalty and straightness
- Refreshingly unconventional illustrations
- Awards

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By the same author and illustrator