Arne Rautenberg’s poems are fun! Even more so when he rhymes for children. He juggles sounds, words and crazy ideas until they form something new that encourages laughter and even reflection.

This book contains 40 refreshingly unpedagogical poems that don’t care a straw what is supposed to belong into a proper poem. Embarrassing and decent stuff, meaningful and nonsensical content, clever and foolish ideas: anything goes—as long as it is original and witty.

Together with Jens Rassmus’s illustrations this all makes out for a loveable ingenious book that pleases the entire family.

by Arne Rautenberg & Jens Rassmus


  • White Raven 2014

Peter Hammer Verlag | hc | 48 pp | 150 x 237 mm | 2014 | 5+

All rights available