Marta Azcona & Anna Font
Misadventures of a Giant Pig at the National Library

On a cold and stormy day, Doña Socorro, the librarian, is forced to leave the library because of a headache. She leaves the books in the care of a pig. But, suddenly, a troup of animals coming from a wine tasting burst in, turning the room upside down and leaving the books in a complete mess.
The poor pig tries to clean them up with soap and water, but it only makes things worse. Will he manage to fix the mess before the librarian returns?
A hilarious rhyming text with five short tips on how to give books a long life.
Conceived in its presentation as if it were a romancero or an old adventure book in free verse, the narrative is divided into nine chapters that relate the vicissitudes through which the librarian pig goes through to restore the books to their original state. The irreverence of the text contrasts with the classic treatment of the images, in pastel colors, and with the traditional elements of the presentation of each chapter: an introduction, a chapter divider and a final summary highlighted in a box, all accompanied by an elegant typography. And as a good classic book, we could not miss some wise final tips to learn how to take care of books as they deserve.
Takatuka Editorial
Picture Book | Poetry
Original title: Desventuras de un cerdo colosal en la Biblioteca Nacional
Age 6+
56 pp | € 17.50
hc | 170 x 270 mm
Publication: Nov 2025
Author: Marta Azcona
Illustrator: Anna Font
All rights available
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- Book trailer
- Topics: libraries, books, stories, classics, animals, rhymes, humor
- Funny rhymes
- Awards

“A surprising adventure in verse to have a good laugh, discover fairytale characters and learn how to look after books […] This original book evokes the old romancers, presenting in nine chapters, with introduction and summary, the humorous exploits of a book-loving pig. The last chapter includes advice on how to ensure that books reach old age in good condition. A neat edition and an attractive format, with a beautiful plea for books and libraries that will captivate both boys and girls.” – Lupa del Cuento
“A nice story, almost a minstrel romance, punctuated with witty titles to describe each scene and little morals at the end of them, with which the aim is to highlight the need to take good care of books so that they can reach ‘old age’ contributing all their wisdom generation after generation.” – Canal Lector
By the same author and illustrator