Here she comes again: Minna Schadewald! Little sister of Luki Skywalker, big sister of Tarzan, the wild brother that continues to scramble about in mummy’s tummy, and Lena’s best friend.

By now the lively Minna is a mature first grader, likes her teacher, shares her homework with Lena so that they’re finished quicker, still sits next to Merlin-Aaron, who plans her wedding, even though she has long since decided to marry Stefan. Merlin-Aaron is nuts!

Minna animatedly talks about her daily life, which isn’t so commonplace after all, because there’s always something happening. With Merlin-Aaron, for example, who manages to antagonise a mother cow on the school trip (Merlin-Aaron is really nuts!). Or with Mrs. Rettich’s night shirt, which happens to hang on the clothes line in the courtyard just where a treasure is buried. And of course with Tarzan who is finally born and who has a surprise in store!!

by Viola Rohner & Dorota Wünsch


Peter Hammer Verlag | hc | 64 pp | 160 x 240 mm | 2017 | 5+

All rights available

[original title: Immer wieder Minna]

Volume 1 in this series: