Fabienne Meyer, Sibylle Wulff & Martina Leykamm

How to Rescue Art?

Art is known to save the world. But who saves art? Works of art are unique and irreplaceable. No copy is as good as the original, for it usually remains soulless. Yet works of art are exposed to dangers from all sides: ravenous mites, the ravages of time, sometimes malicious, sometimes clumsy people. The saviours and guardians of art are restorers. They take care of damage and try to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The restorers Fabienne Meyer and Sibylle Wulff, together with the illustrator Martina Leykam, report on the means they use to achieve this, all the things they have to take into account and all the things that can happen to a work of art.

A fabulously instructive as well as virtuously illustrated book that changes the way big and small museum visitors look at and deal with works of art. And a book of the heart, because only by preserving art do we preserve the memory of humanity!

Karl Rauch Verlag


Original title: Wie rettet man Kunst?
Age 8+
80 pp | € 30
hc | 240 x 320 mm
Publication: March 2023

Authors: Fabienne Meyer & Sibylle Wulff
Illustrator: Martina Leykamm

Rights sold: Chinese (simpl.), Japanese, Korean, Russian


“Incredible insights. Pollutants, fungi, dirt, sunlight, etc. affect works of art. Two conservators report on their care work, which is often as exciting as a thriller. An original, visually highly varied journey of discovery interspersed with a lot of humour.” – Leselotse

“… a stroke of luck in terms of design and mediation.” – Eselsohr

“As restorers, Meyer and Wulff not only know exactly what they are talking about – they also do it in an exciting and understandable way. Art as a thriller!” – Katja Kraft, Münchner Merkur

” … of course, the better we know art, the more we will enjoy it in terms of our cultural memory. This terrific non-fiction book is not only the first step in this direction, but also an entire art thriller.” – STUBE

“An instructive and excitingly illustrated book about art, the memory of mankind.” – 7 Best Book for Young Readers

“The large format, including elaborate fold-out pages, is spacious enough to show in all its breadth how works are restored and what happens in a museum around an art collection. […] Everything forms a complete work of art, to be read with a wink of the eye. What more could you want!” – Renate Grubert, Börsenblatt

“A lot that is worth knowing, drawn, collaged almost like a graphic novel. Quite interesting, instructive, lovingly executed. […] And the book itself is already a work of art.” – Jürgen Kanold, Südwest Presse

How to Rescue Art – the title of this large-format and magnificent non-fiction book. […] Such an incredible wealth […] incredibly cleverly composed […] This book belongs in every household. […] Very funny.” – Deutschlandfunk

“Look, read, marvel […] Because the design is simply amazing.” – Sophia Feldmer, Freundin

“Very enjoyable, it simply gives incredibly good insights and a lot of background information.” – Dr Stefan Hauck, Podcast Kinderbuchpraxis


By the same author and illustrator