Katharina Naimer
Hans in Luck

The fairy tale Hans in Luck deserves to be looked at afresh and attentively through the images created by the artist Katharina Naimer. At the beginning of the fairy tale, Hans receives the gold nugget as a reward for seven years‘ work, then he exchanges the gold nugget for a horse, the horse for a cow, the cow for a pig, the pig for a goose and finally the goose for two stones, which in the end accidentally fall into the well. But Hans is lucky, even without possessions.
What can we and our children learn from this? To marvel, to doubt, to empathise. Learn that having nothing can be more than any of us initially imagine. And perhaps also that happiness is not linked to possessions—and perhaps that possessions can be a burden or even prevent happiness. Everyone can find out for themselves. The fairy tale encourages conversation and philosophical reflections about happiness and what it may mean for each of us.
Katharina Naimer‘s unique paper relief pictures accompany the search for happiness with thoughtful and cheerful details. Inspired by rare or even endangered pet species, so these find their way into the children‘s bedroom.
A jewel about a carefree optimist who needs nothing and yet is so richly endowed.
Edition Bracklo
Picture Book
Original title: Hans im Glück
Age 3+
32 pp | € 19.80
hc | 325 x 245 mm
Publication: Oct 2021
Author & Illustrator: Katharina Naimer
All rights available
- Consumerism & minimalism
- Carelessness & greed
- Search for true happiness
- Infinite sense of freedom
- Awards

“A beautiful picture book of fairy tales, accessible fairy tale picture book, recommended for all.” – ekz
By the same author and illustrator