Susanne Straßer

Fox Goes For A Ride

Fox drives a car. Tap tap, with his feet. Slow at first, then faster and faster.

Over gravel – helter-skelter! Through puddles – splash! The fox whizzes through the pictures so fast that he doesn’t even notice others hopping on on every double page: mouse and mole, beetle and rabbit.

The child comes running as the last stowaway to join the crazy ride, but – oops! – now the whole caper is revealed!

Peter Hammer Verlag

Board Book

Original title: Fuchs fährt Auto

Age 2+
26 pp | € 14,90
board | 215 x 210 mm
Publication: 2020

Author & Illustrator: Susanne Straßer

Rights sold: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, French, Korean, Luxembourgish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish


“Racing through the world with the fox: this is just the thing for the little ones! […] The interplay between the concise read-aloud text and the colourful, clear illustrations, which reveal something about upcoming events in advance, is particularly successful here. […] Through refrain-like repetitions, the book quickly offers children the opportunity to speak along and is also ideally suited for re-enactment.”  Leipziger Lesekompass, jury statement


“Susanne Straßer challenges the youngest children. She tells a simple story that teaches them to look closely and pay attention. This sharpens the senses – and is fun.” – Rolf Brockschmidt, Der Tagesspiegel


“Board books for the smallest children often show boring, static scenes with the same motifs. Not so the little works of art by Susanne Straßer. She comes up with amazingly funny and well thought-out stories in which the child can always discover new details.” – Hilde Elisabeth Menzel, Süddeutsche Zeitung

By the same author and illustrator