Eva Muggenthaler was born 1971 in Fürth, studied Illustration in Hamburg. Her picture books Der Schäfer Raul and Der weiße und der schwarze Bär were both nominated for the German Youth Literature Award.
The crossover between a human being and an animal is blurry. In any case the crossover between some people and animals. Who doesn’t know the swimmer at the open air pool who emerges from the water with a bald round head, round eyes and a large moustache and resembles a popular sea animal so amazingly…
We all occasionally dream of being a little prettier. Taller, slimmer, a bit more muscular, somewhat blonder. We are not alone with our vanities! Nadia Budde gets a lot of zany characters on the pages of her picture book – neighbours, relatives, friends – and we immediately realize their little imperfections. Too many kilograms, a…
Cat Fred and goose Anabel have enjoyed a wonderful summer in each other’s company. But then autumn arrived. Anabel started to get cold and had to fly south. But Anabel can’t bear to be without Fred. And Fred misses Anabel, too. After all, spring follows winter. And it turns out that Anabel and Fred weren’t…
Antje Damm © Buchmarkt Find out how Antje Damm designed her extraordinary new book The Visitor in the extensive press review that was written by Susanna Wengeler and published in the German trade magazine Buchmarkt. You can download a full English translation of the review by clicking on the photograph and a detailed info sheet…
Das ist viel verlangt: Ein ganzes Jahr soll Sam fern von Hamburg und seinen Freunden auf Sylt zur Schule gehen! Sein Vater will einen Kollegen in dessen Praxis vertreten, doch der eigentliche Grund für den Umzug auf Zeit ist Sams Mutter Fe. Fe kommt aus Ruanda, vor 17 Jahren ist sie vor dem Völkermord in…
The jury about The Visitor: “A wonderful, creative storybook – not just for grandparents and grandchildren!” The jury about So Far Up: “A brilliant example that goes to show what often ridiculed board books are capable of!”
We are pleased to announce that both Monday is Back-to-Front-Cap-Day by Arne Rautenberg and Jens Rassmus and What Races Past so Fast by Thomas Müller have been selected to form part of the White Ravens 2014 selection of international children’s and youth literature by the International Youth Library, Munich. For a detailed description…
We are deeply saddened by the loss of Jürg Schubiger, who died at the age of 77 in Zurich on 15th September 2014. His wonderful stories and poems have greatly enriched the publishing programme of Peter Hammer Verlag for many years. Jürg Schubiger wrote both for children and adults and received numerous important awards for…
The author and illustrator Wolf Erlbruch has received the e.o. plauen-Award 2014. The jury describes Wolf Erlbruch as “a marvel of illustration”. His style is “distinctive, despite him using diverse techniques such as drawing, collage, painting and assemblage”. But it is thanks to his abundance of expression and ideas, from which he has developed a…
When Death Came Calling by Rotraut Susanne Berner and Jürg Schubiger received the German Design Award 2014 in the category Special Mention. An unusual award for an exceptional picture book! It has also previously been awarded as One of the Most Beautiful German Books, has received a White Raven and a LesePeter in 2011. Click…