Antje Damm’s THE VISITOR [Der Besuch, published by Moritz Verlag] has won the 2018 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books! Congratulations Antje!!! For more information, click on the link below:
Antje Damm’s THE VISITOR [Der Besuch, published by Moritz Verlag] has won the 2018 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books! Congratulations Antje!!! For more information, click on the link below:
Night after night the night riders guide the people into the land of dreams. But one starless night, the shadows turn up out of nowhere. They are fast, cunning and determined to destroy all dreams. The land of dreams seems to be lost forever. But the night riders bravely wage the unequal struggle against the…
Lena-Frieda fährt Skateboard und will Biologin werden, um Fruchtfliegen zu erforschen. Doch seit ihre beste Freundin Nele weggezogen ist, geht sie gar nicht mehr gerne zur Schule: Dort lauern die Oberzicken mit ihren blöden Sprüchen, die Lena-Frieda ärgern, weil sie lieber wie eine Forscherin auf Expedition aussieht, als enge Stretch-Jeans anzuziehen. Nur Lukas scheint ganz…
We are delighted to report that two books were selected as White Ravens 2018: Two for Me, One for You by Jörg Mühle and La Carta by Rocío Araya and Roser Rimbau
Sie suchen dich, sie jagen dich, aber du wirst sie kriegen … Der große Krieg liegt mehr als 20 Jahre zurück. Berlin ist weitgehend zerstört und atomar verseucht. Der 16-jährige Will schlägt sich als illegaler Computerspieler durch. Er ist Anführer der Jaguarkrieger, einem erfolgreichen Gamer-Clan. Als ihn die Sicherheitsbeamten aus Sektor 1 in die Enge…
Jörg Mühle’s POOR LITTLE RABBIT has been praised in the NYT’s from Sunday, 9th September. Maria Russo, the children’s books editor at the Book Review describes the books as “besides being fun, this gem is also a way to show toddlers hwo to put empathy into action. “You’ve made him all better” they’re told at…
A comical story about a very busy bath Pig has been looking forward to a lovely peaceful bath all day… In come Sheep, then Cow and Horse. They are very noisy! But Pig finds a way to make them go away. Oink! by David Elliot White Ravens 2018 Best 50 Kids Books 2018, The…
Hugo hates rain, Kalina, however, can imagine nothing better than jumping into water puddles in the rain so that the water splashes to all sides. This picture book narrates in sweeping images how nice it is to have a friend who carries you along. Even if you’d much rather retreat into your shell in a…
Lena-Frieda rides a skateboard and wants to become a biologist in order to examine fruit flies, just like her beloved granny. Since her best friend Nele has moved away she doesn’t enjoy going to school any longer: The predominant stroppy cows from the fifth grade are giving her a hard time because she prefers to…
How I Suddenly Became Rich and Thought Everyting’s Going to be Cool by Stephanie Polák has been nominated for the Book Summer Readers’ Prize 2018. The Book Summer Readers’ Prize is part of the Saxony-wide holiday reading campaign “Buchsommer Sachsen”. The participating readers choose their favourite book. It is an award that focuses on the…
Since its foundation, the German Academy for Children’s and Youth Literature monthly marks three new publications in the sections young adult, children’s and picture book as the ‘book of the month’. The titles are selected by an honorary jury from all new publications. These well-established ‘book of the month’ selections function as directory and are…
The EMYS non-fiction book prize has been awarded since 2013 and is the only monthly non-fiction book prize for the best titles in children’s and youth literature. Out of the twelve awarded monthly titles, the winner of the annual prize will be announced. The EMYS honors special, professionally competent and appealing non-fiction books for children…
Johannes Gutenberg & the Printing Press has been awarded the EMYS Non-Fiction Book Prize in July 2018! The EMYS Jury said: “This book belongs into every children’s bedroom” The book has also previously been selected as “Book of the Month” in March 2018.
A teemingly funny picture book about chaos and order What a wonderful mess this is! Dozens of colourful tiny animals are bustling about the white pages. On two, four or more legs, with feathers, fins and tentacles. Scrawly and somehow in a good mood. Then someone calls for a bit of order: Please queue up…