Jutta Degenhardt & Lars Baus

The Magical Word Lottery

The biggest prize is words

Helene’s grandma collects magical words in a little box. Helene is delighted with this treasure and has an idea: what if they raffled off the most beautiful words in a lottery? Grandma and Helene build a street stall and the first visitors arrive. ‘Wave’ takes a bearded man out to sea, “Bell” leads a little girl into a room decorated for Christmas and “Glow” makes sparks fly for two lovers. In the end, Helene also gets to draw a word and embarks on a magical journey with her grandma.

Jutta Degenhardt tells an enchanting story, for which Lars Baus has created a dreamy world of images. Young and old alike will love to dive in and let their thoughts take flight. Is there a better gift than a vocabulary filled with magic?


Picture Book

Original title: Die zauberhafte Wortverlosung
Age 4+
32 pp | € 17
hc | 240 x 270 mm
Publication: July 2024

Author: Jutta Degenhardt
Illustrator: Lars Baus

All rights available


“A wonderful book about the power and magic of language and how it manages to send our thoughts on long journeys.” – Andrea Schnepf, Buchkultur

“Intensely coloured, nostalgic-looking illustrations
visualise the power of words, making it clear how many trains of thought and linguistic opportunities a single word offers. […] Highly recommended.” – Daniela Scheller, ekz

“A book about the love of the written word.” – Instagram @papa.hirsch.liest

By the same author and illustrator